Staying The Course

Staying The Course

We all have times in our lives when the crazy takes over and we get off our normal routine and veer away from our goals. Recently the crazy has taken over my life at work and I have been working 50 to 60 hour weeks.

When this happens one of the first things that suffers is my daily routine. I have read a lot of self-help books and over the past few years, and have developed a morning routine. My routine consists of meditating, praying, reviewing my goals as well as exercising, working on my blogs, reading to improve certain areas of my life, and studying to learn Spanish.

Whenever work gets crazy like it is now I can go several weeks missing key elements of my morning routine and I feel terrible for it. I realize that life will frequently get busy and I must adjust my morning routine to be flexible. Instead of ten to fifteen minutes of meditation, I need to do 2-5. Likewise, with exercise instead of half an hour 5 minutes. As far as blogging, this is the routine that I am doing the worst at. I need to commit to a minimum of writing five minutes a day and a minimum of one blog post a week.

To prepare for adjusting. I will research 5-minute meditations, 5-minute prayers, and 5-minute exercise routines. Likewise, I will brainstorm 5 topics to blog about and then share them here. Good night world. Today I am happy I wrote this post and shared my thoughts with you.

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