Five ideas a day

Five ideas a day

According to Earl Nightingale, if you want to increase your position in life you must find ways to increase your contribution to life via the service you offer others. He suggests everyone should strive to write down five ideas every morning on ways to improve your life. If you do five ideas a day that will be 25 ideas a week and over a thousand ideas in a year. Many of your ideas will be worthless, but some of them will be good and a few will be excellent. Also, every now and then you will come up with a really outstanding idea. So join me and give it a shot.

Priming the Pump

To help get started let’s write one idea across these five areas.

  1. Write one idea to improve your spiritual life.
  2. Write one idea to improve your health.
  3. Write one idea to improve your relationships.
  4. Write one idea to improve your finances.
  5. Write one idea for a business or service you could provide.

Here are my five ideas for today.

  1. Read one verse from an inspirational book every day.
  2. Walk outside 5 minutes every day
  3. Smile at five people every day
  4. Sell five things you no longer use on Craigslist or eBay.
  5. Set up a business to literally teach people how to fish (trout, bass, etc.)

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