

Monday and the start of a new week. Last week is gone and a memory, next week is in the future and today is Monday, it is the start of this week with all its possibilities.

For a while now I have thought of setting up a program for myself to ensure I have a solid foundation established to pursue my goals. Topic areas include digital preparedness, health (physical, dental, eyesight, mental), finances, legal, spiritual and work-life balance. Per Stephen Covey, I will “begin with the end in mind.”

For starters, ensuring my digital life is protected regarding the multiple of bad things that can happen. For example, if our house were robbed or burned down and all our computer and technology devices were stolen or lost (phones, laptops, kindle readers, etc.), is everything backed up to the cloud or to other media so we could replace them and re-download our data and resume our life? Would our digital data be protected from identity thieves? Have we set up proper passwords, pins, and encryption on all our devices? The same goes for all our passwords and access to our critical websites that allow us to do our business (banks, medical, utilities, credit cards, etc.). Stay tuned as I work to address this critical life component.

More to follow..

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